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This doc includes guides on setting up your Yubikey with Bitlocker, EFS, Code Signing, Veracrypt, Github commit signing, KeePassXC, SSH/PuTTY and a large variety of other software and technologies.

This doc includes guides on setting up your Yubikey with Bitlocker, EFS, Code Signing, Veracrypt, Github commit signing, KeePassXC, SSH/PuTTY and a large variety of other software and technologies.

❊ Support

If you enjoy my documentation and find it useful, please consider donating just $1.00 as it will help immensely. It takes a lot of time to convert my personal notes into documentation that everyone can read and follow, including screenshots. I have a huge library of tutorials related to the Yubikey that I plan on adding here

Support Me

Special Thanks

David O.


❊ About

This is a Yubikey guide that has been compiled through many weeks of trial and error. It includes tutorials for configuring your Yubikey with various different technologies and programs, as well as a brief explanation of how things work.

Pages and files are subject to change. I have a lot of guides saved locally to my computer, and it will take a bit of time to convert them over to this doc repository.

❊ Categories

Guides are broken up in several different "books". You can select the different books by clicking the dropdown box at the top-left of the title:

Includes tutorials for the various things you can do with a Yubikey.

Focuses on Yubikey PIV interface and explains what PIV is.

Focuses on Yubikey GPG interface and explains how GPG works.

Focuses on explaining Yubikey FIDO2 interface

Last updated

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